Takbir ulaa;imaams salaah

Question ID: 20933

Assalam alaykum
. I’m trying to make at least 40 days takbir ulaa in moving away from my home country. I was in the masjid before Iqamah but because I had to go for easing myself in the toilet (stool) I managed to make my own takbir ulaa a little after the imam had finshed fatiha aloud. Do I catch the takbir ulaa like that.

2. same salah same imam, led salah while holding a clip microphone in his hand for echoing. so do i repray my salah what is the belief that his salah is not valid. is my action and assumption correct?

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Asked on March 14, 2014 12:09 am
Private answer

1) Takbir Ula lasts for the entire first Rakaat.

2) Salaat is valid but Makrooh. Imaam should be cautioned.

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Answered on March 14, 2014 12:09 am