
Question ID: 29662

Salaams Dearest Mufti,
On a recent visit to the UK, a Quaarie who was assisted to move to UK from India to make Imaamet at a local Masjid handed in his notice of termination due to a salary dispute.This Quaarie now sends his wife out to do a part time office job while he teaches boys to read Quraan.My question is this Quaarie charges each of these boys and makes an above average income, he claims a monthly grant from the goverment for each of his children as well, knowing full well that he is earning more than enough.The Quaarie also has to submit a Income form each year and he only shows his wifes part time income and not his.He has also renovated his home and turned it into a mansion.This as far as i am concerned is not being honest.Please advise.

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Asked on February 17, 2014 5:39 pm
Private answer

This Qari is not behaving properly in many areas. Sending his wife to work and only showing his wife's income. He is being deceptive and has to fear Allaah and change.

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Answered on February 17, 2014 5:39 pm