Getting a job

Question ID: 27968

As salaam u alaikum
. I have been struggling to get a job for a while.Agencies are very keen on assessing me,I go for interviews and it seems to go really well but after that i hear its given to someone else.I’ve been to many people who have made taweez,I’ve read 41 yaaseens, blew in water and had a bath for 7 days.Everyone says that there is something ‘blocking’ my way.My house was burned,we had a lot of problems with evil in the house,everything is fine now but after that I cant seem to get a job.Is there anything that i can read for me to get a job.

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Asked on November 12, 2008 12:00 am
Private answer

Read 'La Hawla wala Quwata Hil Alee Hil Azeem' in abundance and make Duaa not for 'Sabr' but for easy and say Ameen after your Duaa - Insha-Allaah things will improve.

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Answered on November 12, 2008 12:00 am